Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Thank you, Capcom

Finally, Capcom has seen fit to take the Mega Man franchise into the adventure genre for the first time since Mega Man Legends 2! They must have finally found a way to read my mind and plumb the untapped depths of my genius!

  • Platforming: CHECK!
  • World that expands as you acquire new powers: Win Get!
  • New characters: Two of em!
  • Free Roaming: You betcha!
Anyone who knows my gaming habits should know that I'm an absoulte sucker for derivatives of the Metroid formula, of which no better example can be found than Super Metroid, though some elements of it are sadly beginning to show its age; mostly the map system.

But I digress, as usual.
Mega Man ZX is slated to hit the shelves here in the States around fall (Which answers the burning question on everyone's mind: "What should I buy Dave for his birthday?").
Check out the 1up article for more info and screens.


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