Monday, January 24, 2005

California, oh how confused you are...

So California high school students hoping to use a Halo 2 tournament to raise money for tsunami victims got the plug pulled by their school district. They figured the popularity would gurantee a sizable donation, and even got waivers from all the participant's parents condoning the violent nature of the game. But the school board put a halt on it, saying that it couldn't allow anything that promoted violence in any way. The students said that they didn't believe the problem was with the game, but with the school district itself, which canceled last year's Halloween festivities out of respect for (get this) wiccans!
Oh California, you so crazy.

Might edit in some more "content" (I still chuckle at that one) later on tonight. We'll see.

[Later that evening...] (where's a comcbook font when you need it?)
Guess what, kids! Time for more links!
They've got some slick games, plus it's the home of the ever-awesome Rasterbator! I know how I'm pimping my dorm! Some good examples I've found: 1 2 3 4 Hey, is that a Combine soldier in 3? Hundreds of more, and the ability to make your own at the site, check it out if you still haven't!

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