Monday, October 09, 2006
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Saturday, September 30, 2006
You're lying, damnit, and I can prove it!
So, three guesses as to the game I just got.
Time's up.
Yeah, Phoenix Wright is pretty freaking amazing.
This promo video from last year's TGS is a pretty accurate representation of the amazing gameplay. I know it doesn't look like much, but this game's had me on the edge of my thumbs for the past few hours.
So, three guesses as to the game I just got.
Time's up.
Yeah, Phoenix Wright is pretty freaking amazing.
This promo video from last year's TGS is a pretty accurate representation of the amazing gameplay. I know it doesn't look like much, but this game's had me on the edge of my thumbs for the past few hours.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Four legged pack carrier
Very cool, but the cloth on the legs has a creepy effect, making the spindly legs look a lot more "human", and making the whole contraption look almost as if it were plucked straight from a Doom-style game.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Poop (Movie Clip)
I can't believe I haven't written the word "poop" on this thing yet. Well, the Voices of a Distant Star review was kind of about poop. Does that count?
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Friday, July 14, 2006
Ghosts and/or Goblins and/or Ghouls
I won't be doing much writing for a while...
here, have an Ultimate Ghouls and Ghosts commercial. It's wacky.
Just found a trailer for the actual game, it looks GREAT!
here, have an Ultimate Ghouls and Ghosts commercial. It's wacky.
Just found a trailer for the actual game, it looks GREAT!
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Thank you, Capcom
Finally, Capcom has seen fit to take the Mega Man franchise into the adventure genre for the first time since Mega Man Legends 2! They must have finally found a way to read my mind and plumb the untapped depths of my genius!
But I digress, as usual.
Mega Man ZX is slated to hit the shelves here in the States around fall (Which answers the burning question on everyone's mind: "What should I buy Dave for his birthday?").
Check out the 1up article for more info and screens.
- Platforming: CHECK!
- World that expands as you acquire new powers: Win Get!
- New characters: Two of em!
- Free Roaming: You betcha!
But I digress, as usual.
Mega Man ZX is slated to hit the shelves here in the States around fall (Which answers the burning question on everyone's mind: "What should I buy Dave for his birthday?").
Check out the 1up article for more info and screens.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Okay, last post was kinda a downer, but funny, right?
Well here's something political again, but totally not a downer, promise!
And finally!
A video that's not American political, and just plain hilarious.
Shit, okay, one more, sorry, just found it. Stephen Colbert reveals his true identity: Ted Hitler
Well here's something political again, but totally not a downer, promise!
And finally!
A video that's not American political, and just plain hilarious.
Shit, okay, one more, sorry, just found it. Stephen Colbert reveals his true identity: Ted Hitler
Saturday, July 08, 2006
For the Gaming Inclined
Just a rumor floating around, but still exciting as hell:
Apparently, while Nintendo has debunked a rumor stating that the Wii could launch in September, they did say that October was a possibility.
Nintendo isn't making any promises, though, because all they really need to do is launch before Thanksgiving, for obvious reasons.
Apparently, while Nintendo has debunked a rumor stating that the Wii could launch in September, they did say that October was a possibility.
Nintendo isn't making any promises, though, because all they really need to do is launch before Thanksgiving, for obvious reasons.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Warning: Shitty Anime
Hoshi no Koe - The Voices of a Distant Star
While Ah! My Goddess is an excercise in anime done right, Hoshi no Koe is a perfect example of anime gone totally and boringly wrong. How, exactly this sleep inducing junk got an 8.5 on AnimeNfo and an 8.o on IMDB is beyond me. People must have no fucking taste. (Mahoromatic earned a meager 6.5 on IMDB, what the hell?)
Okay, so here's the story of Hoshi no Koe: It's the year 20X6, or it might as well be. This middle school girl and her boyfriend are in love, etc, "I hope we go to the same high school!". Well not so fast, bitch, you're going to war. That's right! A 15 year old girl is drafted to pilot a mech as part of humanity's last best hope to strike back at an alien menace! It's never explained why or how the UN Space Force is drafting people not even old enough to drive, it doesn't matter, apparently.
But it's okay, because she's got her cell phone! She can text message him! I'm not making this up or exaggerating. So he checks his cell phone constantly waiting for any comminique from her. The entire story is told with her in the mech's cockpit in her school uniform, as if they didn't give her time to change before she left Earth and then locked her in the mech permanantly. Most of the time we see her sitting there, in the fetal position, holding her cell phone. And her boyfriend doesnt seem to do anything but stare at his cell phone and sleep in empty classrooms.
Eventually, she gets to Pluto, they get attacked, and they warp 1 light year out to the Oort Cloud and she sends him a message along the lines of "This message will take a year to get to you, but I'm still right here!".
Shortly after that they jump to 8 light years from Earth. So of course she sends him another text message! "You're 24 now, but I'm still 15. I miss Earth." But Sobby McEmopants had already given up on ever hearing from her again, or at least thats what he claims. Let's ignore the fact that he kept the same phone the whole time so that if she DID text him, he'd be able to get it.
But it doesn't matter because the entire planet they're exploring turns out to be a huge alien den, and they start picking off the Earth battlecruisers. The girl, somehow the only one left, decides she has to protect the last capital ship from the gigantic alien fleet, so she goes to the nose of the ship, adds her meager firepower to the already-ineffective battleship-class weaponry pouring out of the last earth ship, then goes out in a blaze of glory, somehow making her tiny mech's beam saber strong enough to cleave an alien cruiser. For some reason this loss of a single ship cripples the alien fleet enough to allow the earth ship to warp away.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the animation, it was awful. The actual animation was sketchy and choppy, and the CGI for the mech scenes was also choppy and just plain poorly done.
The voice acting in this version was suck, because it was done by the director and his fiance. Apparently there was another VO done by professionals, but I don't care enough to find it.
The only redeeming qualities were the background art, a little bit of the music, the box art, and the merciful fact that it's only ~25 minutes long.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Warning: Anime

Ah! My Goddess!
I must admit, I'm a freaking sucker for anime that's just...well...nice. That's probably how I'd best describe it. It reminds me of Mahoromatic (which, once I watched it, instantly became one of my all time favorites) in that it's got easily likable main characters who have a not unhealthy, though relatively platonic, relationship, among other things.
Actually - and I'm writing this off-the-cuff - It's actually got a surprisingly large number of similarities. Hmm, I think I'll look up the writers for both.
Anyway, the story is good, as of episode 10. It's generally lighthearted, but I think it might get a bit more serious later on (just like Mahoromatic, hmmm). The humor is there, and is decent. The character design for the goddesses is fantastic, I must say, and the artwork overall is very good, despite being relatively old. (1993)
It's not all just sentimental stuff. There's some action every once and a while, and good secondary characters abound to keep things light. The special effects are good, again, for their age, and the music isn't bad either.
Anyway, I think this is an anime that anybody who doesnt mind anything a little sentimental can enjoy. I haven't got a single greivance to air about it, so I guess I'll just leave it at that for the time being.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Jon Stewart of the Daily Show weighs in on Senator Ted Stevens
Simply put, and I quote, "Who the F**k is Ted Stevens".
For more info on Ted Stevens, see yesterday's post.
YouTube | digg story
For more info on Ted Stevens, see yesterday's post.
YouTube | digg story
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Original Content
So a comment I made last night got me thinking: "How much original content have I created?"
Well, a quick mental check came up with naught but these three results.

A meme I tried to start on 4chan a while back. It was well-received, but didn't gain enough traction to really hit it big.

An image macro I made. My friends liked it, but without ever being able to make it topical in /b/, it's been lost in the swell every time.

Semi-parody image of Sandwich Man and "Jesus Christ it's a lion get in the car!" memes. Inspired by Jones, and MSPainted by me. I got a good laugh out of it, so well worth it.
Now this list does NOT inlude countless icons I've made, or wallpapers that I've resized, because none of those involved me doing any real editing, just resizing and cropping, with some minor touch-ups on some.
Sorry about the shitty layout job! For a much better post, see the one before this one!
Well, a quick mental check came up with naught but these three results.
A meme I tried to start on 4chan a while back. It was well-received, but didn't gain enough traction to really hit it big.
An image macro I made. My friends liked it, but without ever being able to make it topical in /b/, it's been lost in the swell every time.
Semi-parody image of Sandwich Man and "Jesus Christ it's a lion get in the car!" memes. Inspired by Jones, and MSPainted by me. I got a good laugh out of it, so well worth it.
Now this list does NOT inlude countless icons I've made, or wallpapers that I've resized, because none of those involved me doing any real editing, just resizing and cropping, with some minor touch-ups on some.
Sorry about the shitty layout job! For a much better post, see the one before this one!
It's been a while
Wow, it's been a LONG time since I used this space. Most of the posts on it are quite old and, frankly, a little embarrassing. I could delete them and start fresh, but there's no harm in leaving them, I suppose.
As to why I'm writing this, well, I don't really know, just felt like writing...typing...whatever. I'm probably going to end up just posting links to shit like I did before. Original content? Me?! ell oh ell, no. Maybe a little stream of consciousness ADD writing though.
I Cthulhu By Neil Gaiman
Ok, so check this out. I was browsing Wikipedia's article on Cthulhu (Blame Castlevania:SotN) and found this short story written by Gaiman back in the late '80s. Pretty cool if you have a rudimentary knowledge of the Mythos, which Wikipedia had helped me acquire shortly before reading it. Pretty entertaining, but a little cheesy. Seems to be a less refined and far more casual piece of work than his hit novels (which reminds me, I need to finish Neverwhere... I wonder if Adam knows I have it...).
Guild Wars
Still rocks. GW>WoW.
Hit LV20 in Prophecies tonight. Apparently in Factions you can hit 20 in a day, but in Prophecies it takes a month of casual play. Still way better than WoW. I really think the gameplay in Guild Wars gets better as you go deeper, and learn its little intricacies. Glad I came back to this great game, and glad it's still free after initial purchase.
Xbox Media Center and Team Blackbolt's XBMC360 Skin
Two words: Hot Damn.
So, I wasn't really playing my xbox at all, right? One day Aaron says "hey, im softmodding my xbox! It's gonna be tubular!" and I reply, "That is relevant to my interests! We should mod mine too!"
But before I could synch up with Aaron, Topher is all "Yo, holmes* I jus' been modded my xboxen! It's the shizzle!" "Intriguging! I was going to do the same with Aaron!" "Well....come to my place and we can do it tomorrow!"
So, we modded my xbox, and now it's my happymachine of media goodness.
It's real purdy too.
*to bel air
Eureka Seven: Rocks
Haruhi: Rocks
School Rumble: Dear translators, learn some fucking grammar and spelling. Also get off your lazy asses and translate faster
GTO: Rocks
Mahoromatic Manga: Better ending
Digg 3.0
Congrats to Kevin Rose and the Digg team on their continued success and the launch of Digg 3.0!
If you havent checked out Digg yet, do so.
For some reason, most people I tell about RadioTiki dislike it. Oh well, I thoroughly enjoy it. Just listen to one show. Do something else while you're listening to it even. It's good.
Silly windows with your genuine advantage notification! No, thank you!
As to why I'm writing this, well, I don't really know, just felt like writing...typing...whatever. I'm probably going to end up just posting links to shit like I did before. Original content? Me?! ell oh ell, no. Maybe a little stream of consciousness ADD writing though.
I Cthulhu By Neil Gaiman
Ok, so check this out. I was browsing Wikipedia's article on Cthulhu (Blame Castlevania:SotN) and found this short story written by Gaiman back in the late '80s. Pretty cool if you have a rudimentary knowledge of the Mythos, which Wikipedia had helped me acquire shortly before reading it. Pretty entertaining, but a little cheesy. Seems to be a less refined and far more casual piece of work than his hit novels (which reminds me, I need to finish Neverwhere... I wonder if Adam knows I have it...).
Guild Wars
Still rocks. GW>WoW.
Hit LV20 in Prophecies tonight. Apparently in Factions you can hit 20 in a day, but in Prophecies it takes a month of casual play. Still way better than WoW. I really think the gameplay in Guild Wars gets better as you go deeper, and learn its little intricacies. Glad I came back to this great game, and glad it's still free after initial purchase.
Xbox Media Center and Team Blackbolt's XBMC360 Skin
Two words: Hot Damn.
So, I wasn't really playing my xbox at all, right? One day Aaron says "hey, im softmodding my xbox! It's gonna be tubular!" and I reply, "That is relevant to my interests! We should mod mine too!"
But before I could synch up with Aaron, Topher is all "Yo, holmes* I jus' been modded my xboxen! It's the shizzle!" "Intriguging! I was going to do the same with Aaron!" "Well....come to my place and we can do it tomorrow!"
So, we modded my xbox, and now it's my happymachine of media goodness.
It's real purdy too.
*to bel air
Eureka Seven: Rocks
Haruhi: Rocks
School Rumble: Dear translators, learn some fucking grammar and spelling. Also get off your lazy asses and translate faster
GTO: Rocks
Mahoromatic Manga: Better ending
Digg 3.0
Congrats to Kevin Rose and the Digg team on their continued success and the launch of Digg 3.0!
If you havent checked out Digg yet, do so.
For some reason, most people I tell about RadioTiki dislike it. Oh well, I thoroughly enjoy it. Just listen to one show. Do something else while you're listening to it even. It's good.
Silly windows with your genuine advantage notification! No, thank you!
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